10 Reasons Why Most Women Cheat In Relationships
Below are 10 Reasons Why Most Women Cheat In Relationships: 1. There is a lack of emotional connection. This is a very common reason as to why women make the decision to cheat. They may not feel they are emotionally supported or validated. This is considered the most common reason for why women cheat. 2. They don't feel appreciated and valued. It’s common for couples to get "too comfortable" in a sense where saying "thank you" is less frequent. People get comfortable and start to expect things rather than be appreciative of those things. 3. They have an unhealthy attachment style. Any attachment style that is not considered a secure attachment is considered unhealthy. Specifically, anxious-ambivalent attachment style involves the fear of being rejected by someone in a relationship. In other words, people with an anxious-ambivalent attachment style fears being abandoned by the person they are in a relationship with. The reason those with unhealthy attachment styl...